LIMS Software Solution

How Can a LIMS System Be Helpful To Deal With the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Let’s take you to the brief of the coronavirus outbreak first.

The new coronavirus discovered in 2019 is a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It spreads from person to person through close contact. A person with the possibility of a virus on his hands can catch the illness by touching his nose, eyes, and ears. The signs and symptoms of the disease may appear from 2 to 14 days after exposure and cause fever, cough, breathing problems, tiredness, aches, runny nose, and sore throat.

The cases are reported in a growing number in many countries. If you are a diagnostic and pathology laboratory, you must be working on a huge amount of data from your patients. It must be consuming a huge time and effort of your staff. To work on all these requirements in a defined way, you need an efficient laboratory information management system (LIMS Software Solution) to meet your healthcare’s following needs:

Sample Management

Maintaining the accuracy and security of all samples is an important function of healthcare. Manual functions of managing these crucial details can be responsible for huge errors such as loss of data due to excessive movement between the departments.

Laboratory information management system can go excellent for sample management as it ensures proper tracking of custodian and location of the sample. With the LIMS software solution, you lose nothing while managing the records.

Flawless Inventory Management

These days, when the number of infected patients is increasing to a great extent, you would require a system to conduct inventory management. The efficient LIMS flawlessly manages the supplies, facilitates workflow, prevents delay due to unavailability of stock, generates automatic reorder alerts, up-to-date information, and does many other significant jobs to help you manage the inventory, without leaving any space for error.

Control Over Testing Process

An expert LIMS software solution systematizes the testing workflows. It provides you full control of the entire testing process. From tracking/validation of results, testing for a particular batch of samples, entry of the results, and generation of reports, the laboratory information management system manages everything efficiently. It also allows you to send the results to specific LIMS users as well.

Reporting to Generate Reports

When you use LIMS software solution for your clinical research and diagnostics to work on a huge amount of data, it allows you to generate sample tracking, inventory, system configuration, QC data, invoices, freezer space, audit trail, test results, sample summary and many other important jobs.

Advantages of Using the Software

The software takes the burden off your shoulders and provides you plentiful benefits which include:

  • Easy Data Backup
  • Less Paper Work
  • Workflow Automation
  • Enhanced Patient Safety
  • Improved Turnaround Times
  • Secure And Restricted Access
  • Configurable User-Interface
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Easy Exchange Of Data
  • Easy and quick deployment

The LIMS software solution also works as medical billing software to deal with various needs of invoicing. Apart from the operations, the software takes care of your finances as well.

Installing a LIMS solution will improve the overall operational efficiency of your laboratory. Contact Prolis to know how our LIMS software solution can support your lab’s day-to-day works. Call us now!

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